Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year, new president, new non-sucking football team, newly over being stressed about DE

I think the title of this blog actually says everything I need to say. Nevertheless:

I did NOT have to hide the knives and ropes! Purple passion prevailed against the Titans, and now, somehow next week, the Ravens will have to try to beat Pittsburgh, or I will be in the same position all over again. Suicidal husband dot com.

I had a great, but very taxing coaching over the weekend with Ms. G. If I'm not completely focused on supporting every single note, the repetition of the phrases required to refine things in a coaching of this role can tire me very quickly. Supporting and keeping all the wordy recits connected is a challenge, and always has is just too tempting to come off the voice just a bit. I pay a lot of attention to the recits, and feel strongly that making them sound good and make sense is one of the best measures of a great singer. So it was nice to get a little professional reassurance that I was on the right track with the recits and the role as a whole. My approach has not been too heavy, or too light. And she encouraged me to stop thinking of it as difficult, but as just another set of notes, rhythms and vowels to sing right off of the page. Sometimes Mozart intimidates me, because it has the reputation to somehow define if you're a good singer or not. And while this is mostly true, telling myself that all the time just makes me a neurotic freak.

I am longing to get paid, so that I can go out for a drink. It feels like it's about time for a ridiculous fruity martini or something. I spent the weekend learning the score, watching football intermittently, and doing laundry. Kind of un-fabulous. But yours truly is broke as a joke til Thursday...

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