Monday, July 14, 2008

couple days off

I had a couple unexpected days off from singing and rehearsing. It was great, unbelievably! Usually when I'm not practicing everyday, I'm spending time worrying about how long it's going to take me to get back into shape. Unbelivably, I spent almost NO time thinking about singing, and didn't even try to vocalize in the shower, which is my usual obsessive way of recouping some of the time I'm supposed to be taking off.

And now, I've got to get back into it, since I have rehearsal tonight and will probably have to sing a high Q above L.

The other thing I need to do is have Musetta's Second Act scene ready for next week's coaching with my new favorite person ever. YAY! This week is already completely packed and I guess I'm going to be learning music on my lunch breaks again. Little chunks of time work too, as long as I can focus my ADD self on the task at hand.

I'm trying on my wedding dress tomorrow! I absolutely cannot believe it. It's so freakishly exciting. Once you have the dress, it's for REAL.

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