Last night I made chicken, my grandmother's green beans with bacon, spinach, and mashed potatoes for dinner. It was one of those old timey kind of meals that went sadly wrong, and I'll tell you why. The recipe for the chicken with pan sauce was down right disgusting. I should have paid attention to the warning at the bottom of the page: "The Food Network has not tested this recipe, and therefore cannot vouch for its results," or something like that. I'm starting to think I should only make recipes that my favorite food bloggers recommend, because I trust their descriptions and honest analysis of the food-- since, frankly, I can't keep wasting money like this. The chicken was edible, I guess, but I was pissed. We wouldn't have starved, though, because the green beans and mashed potatoes turned out beautifully and were really delish.
I think it may have added to my annoyance, however, that I had just done seven takes of various soprano arias for a recording, was tired, and HUNGRY. The recording is nearly done. Michaela's aria is literally killing me-- in what I thought was the PERFECT take, the recorder cut off, flashing that the memory was full. Shame on me for not checking these things. So I still need to get a good recording of that one, but the other four are done. Now for the editing, and then we're off to the YAP races, and I will be sending my CDs to the four corners of the globe. Good times.
Next week we are off to Hilton Head, and I have to say, I feel like we deserve it. It's been quite a summer of drama with my family, friends, and, yes, myself. I need a pedicure before I go, but other than that: I'm ready.
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