Thursday, May 02, 2013


Oh my goodness, it feels like spring, and I am so grateful for today.

Last night was a marathon rehearsal, and I thought I might not make it, but somehow, with the help of  coffee and a huge blueberry muffin (my bad), I did it!  The music for this show is stunning and I am really starting to get excited about the performance.  I think the audience will react very strongly because the emotion is so clear in the score.  There are some moments when even now, I am afraid I'm going to cry!

It's great to have a night off tonight to regroup and rest my voice before leaving for New York Friday night...I have an audition and lesson, and I'm going to try to catch a new production of Don Giovanni if I make it in time.  

It's a busy time, and I have a concert Tuesday morning (morning after my first dress) with completely different repertoire... stressing about that just slightly.  Different and VERY wordy.  I need to make my flash cards and get to work immediately tonight.  I'll be cramming words like crazy on the train and bus and probably during the church service Sunday morning!

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