Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Diva Style

My thing has always been that glamor will get you noticed before you even open your mouth.  and I've often said this here-- but I feel so GOOD when I look good.  I'm building my brand, right?  We must be gorgeous of voice and of countenance.  

Note: I said countenance. 

And to me to be gorgeous of countenance is to have a glow, a projection of inner joy, a sense of pride in our appearance and our product.  It does not mean being stick thin, it does not mean wearing drag queen make-up (although I do love my fake eyelashes).  

The other day when i was getting ready for my audition in my teacher's studio, asked her: "Do I need more make up?  I feel like I need more.  I need to be more glamorous."

She looked at me like I was crazy.  It was quite hilarious, especially since my teacher is always very well-turned out herself, great make-up, perfect lipstick.  Then she said:

"Jessica, this audition is about your voice."


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