Friday, February 22, 2013

Inspired by:

1. This blog post: Discomfort Zone: How to master the universe

3.  This blog post: The IT Factor: "The absolute concentration of the positive on the now." WOW.

4.  All of the hard-workers in my life.  Your motivation and drive has kept me inspired this week despite my own issues.  

5.  Margaritas (Stu, this one is for you.)

6.  All of the singers.  :)  
I cleaned up after dinner last night and spent the rest of the evening just watching youtube videos of iconic singers-- Leontyne, Martina Arroyo (damn, she is fabulous), Jessye Norman, Kiri (her rehearsals to prepare the Vier Letzte Lieder with Solti are so cool). 

7.  White Chocolate Coconut Oatmeal Cookies: Click here for the recipe!  

Happy weekend!  And thanks for sticking with me this week. 

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