Monday, March 16, 2009


The singer's ego. Ever heard of it? I come face to face with at least one exaggerated example of it every production I do-- and I bet you do too.

Sometimes it's just a person that seems to walk around in a daily whirlwind of heightened "it's all about me" drama, other times its a person who just can't stop talking about themselves and their endless stream of gigs complete with the name-dropping, once in a while it's the martyr type who is constantly fishing for compliments. But my personal favorite is the "older and wiser" kind who bosses you around and tells you how correct any and all vocal, dramatic, psychological or even weight (!!) problems they perceive that you have-- all unsolicited, of course.

I have found myself wondering if I'm not living up to my full career potential because I find it incredibly difficult to talk myself up and brag about everything I do-- after all, the people who are certainly have a lot going on and aren't afraid to tell you. Okay, marketing yourself and bragging are two different things. But I often feel that it's a fine line, and I have trouble knowing where it is. I just know I'm really annoyed with people who have the attitude problem...especially when you have to be in rehearsal with them for a few weeks.

So, I was excited to see a thread on the singer's forum this morning addressing this very topic. A WISE man and fellow blogger had this to say:

"Inflated egos have nothing to do with self-confidence.

I remember many threads here about the Tenor MO-FO attitude that some feel is necessary for their performances and their careers. Now a tenor, and realizing how much stamina is necessary and how much riskier it is to sing tenor, I strangely realize that I do not agree with that mindset. To sing at all requires not a superficial presentational kind of ego, but a surrender of self and a connection to the higher power that is our source of strength. To access such a source, we need to have eliminated the challenges that confront us (technical, intellectual/musical and spiritual). In such a way, we are not burdened by the worries that make us feel we need to inflate ourselves.

Performers as a matter of necessity need to be enlightened (alive in the moment) onstage and as models in real life. This enlightenment I believe is an emptying of ego, a profound humility that draws others to us, because what comes through is the greater source that is common to all of us and everything in the universe. "

and that is that.

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